SPIN Shipping Updates (updated 8/14/20)

Final Update: All SPIN units have been shipped!


Hello! Thanks again for all the support from everyone. This post is going to serve as the place to check on the different production / shipping updates for the SPIN Macro Pad. Below I'll have a list of the different items on order and their estimated arrival times, which should help to give everyone a feel for the progress being made.

PCB Production Update:

Boards have arrived and work! I'll get a mass notification out shortly and shipping will begin Monday the 20th.


Current order status:

PCB Production & Assembly - ordered, PCBs 100% through production, assembly 100% completed! Estimated to arrive June 17th - 21st. Check the update above.

Encoders, Standoffs, Connectors - ordered, shipped. Half of the encoders have shipped, the next half will ship ~June 20th. Update: All have arrived!

Screws - ordered, arrived!

Knobs - ordered, arrived!

Acrylic Plates - ordered, arrived!

Kailh Sockets - ordered, arrived!